Being from Aktek
"You First!"

Internal Communication and Employee Loyalty in Aktek
In Aktek, our employees are encouraged to participate in decision-making mechanisms in order to create a participatory corporate culture. Systems that will facilitate this process are developed and the opinions of our employees are consulted in many areas of working life. Our company-wide Open Door policy ensures that our employees are in constant and direct contact with senior management.
In addition, we share the announcements of our employees with our entire company in order to share the joy of newborn children.

Aktek: Great Place to Work
As a result of the surveys conducted with the Great Place to Work project that started throughout the group in 2015, we made many changes considering the employee requests. In order to provide opportunities that will carry our company forward on the way to becoming the "Best Place to Work", we work together to improve our environment, where our employees are securely connected, proud of their work and workplace, and work in complete harmony and cooperation with their colleagues.
Aktek: Great Place to Work
As a result of the surveys conducted with the Great Place to Work project that started throughout the group in 2015, we made many changes considering the employee requests. In order to provide opportunities that will carry our company forward on the way to becoming the "Best Place to Work", we work together to improve our environment, where our employees are securely connected, proud of their work and workplace, and work in complete harmony and cooperation with their colleagues.

Let's Chat!
On remote working days due to the COVID 19 Pandemic, "Let's Chat!" online meetings are held with employees under the leadership of the CEO and Human Resources Manager. In these meetings, the opinions of the employees are taken individually and evaluated by the Human Resources team.